As a socially conscious landscape designer, I am always trying to get to know my clients because that is where most of my design inspiration comes from. My perceptive approach to design developed in graduate school, as I worked on my thesis regarding the promotion of public parks and street spaces in inner-city neighborhoods. My design proposal was truly a democratic one, and the same philosophy applies to the residential work that I have done and continue to do. As I grow as a professional, I want to help my clients see what I see - creative and specific solutions that are unique to my clients' personalities, likes, and stories.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Crystal Cove State Park

It was my birthday on Sunday and we decided to go to Crystal Cove State Park in Laguna Beach. It was a very good decision - the distinctive, pristine beach of the California coast juxtaposed with the unique vegetation of coastal sage scrub. I tried to identify some plants, as the park is undergoing restoration of the native vegetation - Atriplex, Baccharis, Encelia californica, Rhus integrifolia, there was way more... And the tide pools, when you go down the bluffs to the beach, are absolutely wonderful - crabs, sea snails, hermit critters, sea cucumbers (I think) and others. I honestly think this is one of the most beautiful places in California. There was a $15 vehicle entrance fee but this was a great day trip, nonetheless.

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