As a socially conscious landscape designer, I am always trying to get to know my clients because that is where most of my design inspiration comes from. My perceptive approach to design developed in graduate school, as I worked on my thesis regarding the promotion of public parks and street spaces in inner-city neighborhoods. My design proposal was truly a democratic one, and the same philosophy applies to the residential work that I have done and continue to do. As I grow as a professional, I want to help my clients see what I see - creative and specific solutions that are unique to my clients' personalities, likes, and stories.

Friday, May 21, 2010

These times are tough but there's always time for painting :)

Hello, seekers and supporters of art and design! Can you believe it's almost summer?! I am trying to recap what I have been doing for the past few months of absence.. my job has not been the greatest, but I'm not here to talk about that.

There are many forms of art that have been lost throughout the decades. Especially today, where our "government" has banished art programs from schools. However, there are many teachers out there who work so hard to bring art back into children's lives through art programs outside of school. Many props to Ms. Evie King, a very talented teacher, artist, writer, gardener, community advocate, me, there isn't anything she hasn't done! I worked with Evie at her after-school art program with Esperanza Community Housing Corporation while I was at USC. But art isn't all she teaches - she has built a beautiful and educational garden in an easement space right outside her classroom. Please check out the garden and more stories here:

Watercolor painting is one of those lost arts. Thankfully, I had the privilege of learning many lost art forms as a student at the College of Environmental Design at UC Berkeley. I cannot tell you enough how much I love to paint and what I get out of it - sense of fulfillment, creativity, peace. If you're interested in learning how to paint with watercolors or if you want a painting partner, email me:, and I would be more than happy to paint with you!

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